My English in English #1
Hello! This is my first entry to the blog. So, don’t be hard on me.
My name is S. Sasaki. As you can guess, I teach English at Kichijoji School.
I’ve been teaching and still studying English for many, many years.
But I’m not a native English speaker, nor a returnee born in an English-speaking country.
I’m an ordinary Japanese citizen, born in Tokyo and brought up in Hokkaido.
But why am I able to use English the way I am now?
So, my blog will be about how I’ve mastered English.
My actual English ability began to develop in the summer of 19xx. I was in the third year of high school.
During the summer vacation, I was supposed to study as hard as other high school seniors.
But I just couldn’t concentrate on my study with no future plans or visions.
That was when my father took an action, which completely changed my future…..(to be continued)